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  • Refractions

    Klangkunst-Ausstellung im Palais Bellevue, Kassel
    2. September bis 1. Oktober 2023
    Als Auftakt des Programms der Stiftung Brückner-Kühner im Palais Bellevue gestaltet Clara Oppel eine raumgreifende Audioinstallation: ein verwobenes, schwingendes und begehbares Gebilde, das aus jeder Hörrichtung anders klingt. Der Klang aus Soundscapes der Natur sowie Stimmen und Gedanken bröselt bis ins Mikroskopische hinein, so fein wie die zarte Spannung einer Seeoberfläche mit tanzenden Wasserläufern.


    The large exhibition room of the Marburg Kunstverein, enclosed on three sides, is the present home of the title piece, Breathing Space, 2015: 5,400 dome loudspeakers, 8 channel audio, cables.

    If one enters the room during one of the silent breaks, one is faced with two frames of reference: from the neighbour-ing rooms, in the distance, come the sounds of the other, chronologically synchronized, works of Clara Oppel. Here though, in the main area, the first thing one notices is one’s own footsteps echoing in the resonant space. A gently curved object rises somewhat from the black stone floor. The mirror shine of 5,400 loudspeaker domes glimmers and thereby defines a peaceful and structured but nonetheless enigmatic course – like a numerical sign in the room.

  • Inner and outer spaces

    What does art sound like? Well, mostly it doesn’t sound at all. Traditional painting and sculpture don’t have an audio track. Until recently, the temples of art were silent, often almost devoutly silent, except for banging doors and so on – sounds that didn’t come from the works of art. Such sounds were certainly not part of the creative conception of the artists being exhibited in the hallowed halls. That’s not to say that even traditional art, art created before the avant-garde pro-ductions of the 20th century abandoned all borders, couldn‘t or didn’t arouse the auditory imagination.

  • Clara Oppel: Breathing Space – Opening of the Exhibition in the Kunstverein in Marburg (Germany), 2015. 

    ‘How can you enjoy a world which you can‘t see when you close your eyes?‘ (Fariduddin Attar)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, close your eyes, and you’ll see – hear, rather – how a thousand birds take flight. They soar through the valleys of sufferings and passions: desire, love, knowledge, abstinence, unity, dismay, dissolution. Only thirty birds manage to get to the end of the world, where mountains surround them, there, where the wise bird king lives, a hoopoe called Simorgh. ‘Si morgh‘ – the name itself means ‘thirty birds‘. Now, having reached the destination, the birds realise that they have in fact been searching all along for themselves – and their quest has now been rewarded.

  • Humankind is a shadows dream

    from Pindar: Eighth Pythian Ode Text: Sylvia WendrockTranslation: Keith David Harris You can vanish into thin air trying to understand this sentence. It comes from the Epikinae, a collection of odes by the fifth century B.C. Greek poet Pindar. He wrote choral poetry for the winners of the Olympic Games. This was intended as a…

  • Holding Breath

    Saturday, 26. August 2023, 13:00-19:30 @Kongreßbad, Julius-Meinl-Gasse 7A, 1160 Vienna.
    Künstler*innen: Zavoloka (UA), Alex Franz Zehetbauer (USA/AT), mit Christian Schröder (AT), Clara Oppel (AT), Tahereh Nourani (IR) und DJ KJOS (AT).

  • Breathing Space

    Published by VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst GmbH, Wien, 12/2022 Language German/English,  Hardcover, 22 x 22 cm, 128 pages, 77 ills. in color ISBN 978-3-903439-58-0 With texts from Friedrich W. Block, Florian Neuner, Johannes Rauchenberger, Olaf Pyras, Sylvia Wendrock, Reiner Zettl to be ordered from:

  • Bildraum Bodensee

    July 21, 2023 – September 12, 2023, Bildraum Bodensee
    Opening: Friday, July 21, 7 p.m.

  • Radio Feature: Die Klangkünstlerin Clara Oppel – Innere und äußere Räume

    Deutschlandfunk Kultur
    By Florian Neuner · 01. März 2022, 00:05 Uhr